Thursday, August 16, 2012

a selective listener…

has anybody ever accused you of being a selective listener?  we tend to hear what we want to hear.  isn’t that true?  we leave off the parts we don’t like and we accept the parts that we like and we want to do.

it’s like the story of the doctor who’s driving down the road.  he looks out his car window and he saw an elderly man jogging along the side of the road with a very young, beautiful woman.  as he looked at the old guy he realized that the old man was his patient.  so he stopped his car, rolled down his window and hollered to the elderly man.  “what are you doing?” and the old man said, “i’m just doing what you told me to do.  you told me to get a hot mama and be care free.”  the doctor said, “i told you, you had a heart murmur and be careful!”  we all have selective hearing.  we hear what we want to! 

psalms 25.4-5 (niv) gives us a good prayer to pray.  show me YOUr ways, LORD.  teach me YOUr paths.  guide me in YOUr truth and teach me.  for YOU are GOD my SAVIOR.

just a thought from the front porch… 

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